Like a drop of rain falling
Through the wide open sky
I fall through you in silence
And watch emptiness go by.
I fell in love with you one day
And even today I fall
Who knows where I shall land or if
I shall land at all.
Where I might land some day
It does not seem to matter
A drop is a drop while it falls
When it lands... it's water!
Through the wide open sky
I fall through you in silence
And watch emptiness go by.
I fell in love with you one day
And even today I fall
Who knows where I shall land or if
I shall land at all.
Where I might land some day
It does not seem to matter
A drop is a drop while it falls
When it lands... it's water!
No, I have not fallen in love with a woman or anything like that!
A conversation I had a couple of days back led me to the issue of being in trust. It is a remarkably tricky state to achieve. I am certainly not talking about trusting God or trusting fate or anything hocus-pocus like that. Imaginary props like that may bring some solace, but there is nothing wonderful about fooling yourself. I am talking about moving into trust for no reason at all. It is a very peculiar state of being and to touch it even for a moment is truly intoxicating. This is not about mental or emotional gymnastics - it is a completely different state of consciousness.
In a discourse during the consecration of the Linga Bhairavi Temple, Sadhguru talked about moving consciously into a state of trust.
"... I am not talking about belief. I am talking about moving into trust. So, how can I trust? The fact that you are sitting here comfortably (or not!) - that's trust. Because, you know there have been incidents where the Earth has opened up and swallowed people. There have been incidents where pieces of sky have fallen and people have been crushed to death. There have been situations - the very air that you breath has turned against you.... So you are anyway trustful... unconsciously. You are trustful unconsciously, unlovingly. I am talking about being trustful consciously, lovingly. That's devotion... Devotion is not fantasy. Devotion is not a belief system. Devotion is the sweetest way to be in existence."
It is could be very easy for someone to misunderstand what he is saying and think that he is talking about devotion to God. But he is not talking about trusting something you don't know. He is just talking about trusting existence. That does not mean that he is talking about believing that "everything is going to be fine in the future" - that would just self-deception. He is talking about just plain trust - based on nothing, demanding nothing. He is talking about trust that is rooted in the present, it is not concerned about the future. He is talking about falling in love with existence. He is talking about becoming a raindrop.
Falling in love with existence is very different from falling in love with a person. Falling in love with a person involves a lot of emotional nonsense. Falling in love with existence is meditation.
Amazing! This poem is so beautiful. Something so pure has come through this time!