Thursday, June 7, 2012

Fragile beauty

A woman asked her lover, "What do you like the most about me?"  

Somewhat startled by the question, he paused for a moment. Then, with great pain in his eyes, he answered, "What I liked the most about you was that I thought you were the kind of woman who would never ask me such a question."


True beauty is such a fragile thing. The slightest movement in unawareness, and it is gone. And yet, it is so resilient. No matter how many times we destroy it, no matter how many times we trample it, it resurfaces again and again, seeping in repeatedly from some blessed dimension.

It is very rarely that we manage to see some of this ever-present beauty in life. Life is really like a beautiful lawn - inviting you to step on it, to enjoy it. And yet, even the slightest step in unawareness can destroy its perfection. One should really walk through life with the same care and awareness that one might have when one steps on a perfect lawn. But usually we are like a herd of irate hippopotami...

I was re-reading the first chapter of "Glimpses of a Golden Childhood" by Osho. He speaks about this beautiful poem,

The wild geese
Do not intend to make their reflections.
The water has no mind
To receive their images.

He speaks about this poem as a way to describe what he calls "communion" as opposed to "communication" - communion happens by itself, but communication carries within it the tension of intention and thus never really happens. What Osho is celebrating (I think) is the beauty inherent in an absence of intention. Somehow, in my mind, the poem depicted a state of absolute awareness. Perhaps the two are interconnected. Perhaps true awareness is only possible when intention is absent.

Well, Osho can talk about his wild geese. I was talking about this woman and her lover. Returning to that tale...


Even as he said those words, he regretted saying them. Not only had something precious between them been lost because of her question, his answer was bound to cause her immeasurable pain. 

But to his surprise, she listened quietly to his answer... and smiled, from the very depths of her being. So enchanting was her smile that he found, to his surprise, that he too was smiling.


  1. Wow!!! Chetan!!! Day by day----I am growing more regard and admiration for the creativity and LIFE within you!!! You are blessed! Sad that some people never realized it!! Take care...

  2. Chetan.. It's been an absolute pleasure reading your thoughts.
