Saturday, August 25, 2012


As I sit alone upon this rock
    Your name a song upon my lips.
I carry your face in my eyes,
      Your warmth in my finger tips...

I sit breathing upon this rock
    Breathing you, breathing you.
Here I fall into your arns
    Here I begin to long anew...

I sit drowning upon this rock
    With you above and you below,
Where you end and this rock begins,
    I do not know, I do not know...


I happened to be browsing through Osho's commentary on Vigyan Bhairav Tantra and in the very first chapter, I came upon this dazzling gem of a thought. It feels like sacrilege, to credit Osho, the master of no-thought, with a thought! He would probably feel very offended and misunderstood! And yet, here it is...
Devi asks:
Oh Shiva, What is your reality? What is this wonder-filled universe?
(Osho's commentary)
Devi asks Shiva,  Oh Shiva, What is your reality? – who are you? The form has disappeared; hence the question. In love you enter the other as himself. It is not you answering. You become one, and for the first time you know an abyss – a formless presence.
Devi says, What is this wonder-filled universe? Suddenly there is the jump from a personal question to a very impersonal one. She was asking, What is your reality? and then suddenly, What is this wonder-filled universe? When form disappears, your beloved becomes the universe, the formless, the infinite. Suddenly Devi becomes aware that she is not asking a question about Shiva; she is asking a question about the whole universe. Now Shiva has become the whole universe. Now all the stars are moving in him, and the whole firmament and the whole space is surrounded by him. Now he is the great engulfing factor – "the great encompassing."
I, on my own, would have probably never seen the universe that lay hidden in the silence between those two sentences. It is pointless to say anything more about this gem of a thought that seems to have sprung from that silence, this crystallized no-thought. I am in awe. Are you?

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Amid the din

Skies turn over a grieving earth
As men perish and are born again
Amid laughs and tears and unending horrors
And moments of fleeting joy.
Warriors clash and thieves steal
And darker hearts grow darker still.
Children laugh and lovers kiss
And yogis sit silent in forests deep.

And amid this din, Krishna moves
From bliss to bliss, from bliss to bliss...